Friday, May 31, 2019

Introducing Finance Friday

I've recently started working with a financial services company and I have a personal mission to save families from financial ruin. I am learning so much.

I have been thinking about my Dad a lot lately too, Tuesday was his birthday. So I have decided to start a weekly series here called Finance Friday where I will share some of my Dad's words of wisdom when it comes to money. If I have learned that another way is better I will let you know that too.

My dad thought the credit card crisis in this country was ridiculous. "People should learn to live within their means." I have never had credit card debt for more than 3 months in my life — this lesson was so central to everything my dad was about.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are in the red not because of lavish spending on credit cards but because of some emergency. A broken refrigerator, a busted car, or an accident that keeps someone from working can wreak havoc on a families finances and credit score.

The college debt in this country is over $1.5 trillion. That's trillion with a T. It's gotten out of hand and it's not like credit card debt because as a nation we value education and push kids into school so they can make a good living. A good job will bring good pay and allow those students to pay off their debt. It's not working. Sometimes finding a job within your field can be difficult. Low wage jobs make the employment rate look good so politicians can brag about the numbers but the reality is much bleaker. I know people who are in their 40s who are still trying to pay off college debt.

If you are trying to pay off credit card or student debt and need some help you can go to

Happy Crafting,

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