I am a work in progress.
I am a single mom.
I have a smart beautiful boy
who keeps me busy and entertained.I am a graphic designer.
I create advertisements that result in leads
that turn into sales that help grow businesses.
I love social creativity.
Getting together with others to create something,
whether paper crafts or an advertising campaign is exciting.
I feed off the energy that's produced when different people
think differently about the same thing.
I love teaching.
This blog is one place where I pass on bits of info on
how to create things with paper crafting supplies or computer software.
This blog is one place where I pass on bits of info on
how to create things with paper crafting supplies or computer software.
I try to learn something new everyday.Whether it's developing my skills with graphics programs,
learning a new paper crafting technique,
or trying a new recipe (though my son wishes I
wouldn't do the new recipe thing too often.)