This is a picture of the Pope receiving a prayer request from the captain of a US Navy vessel. One of the officers on that ship is the brother of one of my coworkers. The coworker's brother's son is 4. His name is Griffin and the prayer request was for him. Griffin has lymphoma in his stomach. Please join the pope in his prayers for Griffin.
Now it is my turn to ask for prayers. My aunt, who is 77, also has lymphoma. They have found 3 known sites of cancer and need to do a scan to be sure there aren't more. She lives in a small town and is in the hospital so she is unable to get to the larger city for this scan. When she went in for her first round of chemo they found that her thyroid level was wacko and her calcium level was WAY TOO HIGH. They are fixing that and when it's normal she will be able to go home [and hopefully won't need a walker (or cane) anymore] and to South Bend, IN to get her scan. Please pray for her recovery as well. My son just turned 5 and I would like for him to have some memories of this great lady when he grows up.
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